Saturday, June 29, 2024

 Hello everyone, today is Saturday, June 29. 

I am in my apartment. I am thankful for my safety. Tonight we might have bad storms with tornadoes.  I will probably go downstairs to the laundry room. But will I do that at 3 am. Probably not.  

Friday I defriended two friends and feel sad about it. They complimented the boss who hurt me at my retail job that gave me brain damage.  So I felt I should cut ties. But I feel heartbroken and think that many of my friends ultimately will choose their community that includes the bad people.

I have to consider that there were conspiracy factors and the bosses were doing something that had to do with sending me to new york.  And that my other friends just have to do what is best for themselves. But I do feel hurt and I feel that people get away with their crimes when I am the victim.

But at the same time I am thankful for my survival so far and think I only have five years left. So I need to try to just make these five years be a relief for others somehow.  I believe that my writing will last for some reason, even though I am not sure I see how.  

I miss my person named Ravneet. I hope Ravneet is having a good Saturday. 

I got about five things done so far today. A walk, a discount, cooking food, writing and emails, and sending notes to Super GF.

Well okay everyone have a good day. Later I might post a video. I have used most of my budget for that.

Thanks everyone who has participated in the conspiracy. Definitely some ups and downs but maybe there were some good laughs too.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

hello everyone

did you guys like my facebook shares? the video had some snafus in it didn't it. I don't know if i got it right but i felt that i should post something like that because of the christianity today ad that is running.

so i updated my page.  next i think i will do a book talk about some art books and the joke book.

i will take my time and shoot for about july 1st on that.

i ordered some joke books. i think that is a fun gift for people and i hope that it reaches a wide audience.

i wish i had some hamburger helper. should i go to the store?

hmm i dont know. i guess maybe make chili.

okay chili and rice.

yeah because i have cheese.

ok. hey ravneet do you have the day off? i guess you don't. 

but maybe it is your lunch time right now.

i think the spells are from absence seizures and it is okay.

i think it will stop since i am not sharing the posts right now.

that was probably what caused it.

well have a great day everyone

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

sorry everyone i just try to say punchy stuff

Hello everyone, this is Refried.  I just drank some coffee from the 7-11.  Today is Tuesday. I have a meeting at 11 about the problems at my apartment.  I am simply reporting abuse.  But it has taken too long, this meeting itself is too late in the game, so they don’t have my trust any more.

Other than that, I boosted two posts on facebook and reached a lot of people in some of my favorite countries. So that is happy.  People are really sweet and funnily like to say “Amen” about religious jokes.  It is a good experience and honestly I think I am nearing the end of my main run as a facebook “comedian.”  However, I probably will keep reposting jokes and sending memes to new audiences.  That could take another few years if I really maxed it out.  But I don’t know that I need to.  I have the jokes in book form now, and other people might want to share their own content with the other audiences.

The joke book turned out awesome and I don’t know if I should have changed the cover like I did.  Because I got a sample yesterday and it was cool the first way.

The other thing is that I shared some blog posts and in the main post I insulted all of literature for the past hundred years, as if I have even read a third of it, like what a jerk, and it was the first time I shared those blog posts.

I think in a way I do have an insight but in another way I epitomized ignorance. 

So that is maybe too bad but maybe okay. I guess you live and learn.  Like why is that blog just now reaching people.  Could be the same moral issues.

And yet I know it’s not.  My problems are from specific people and the creative writing field in my opinion is the best of us in this world. It just is, they did awesome, the writing communities in universities for the past thirty years and the range of literature appreciation is actually incredible, very humane and inclusive, and a great alternative to the much more prevelant bad religion and politics. So really I am sorry everyone for just snapping at everyone but why am I not part of the gang.  Well maybe because of posts like that.

Have a nice day.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

 Hello everyone, today is Saturday. I am okay after a disturbance yesterday where I had to call the cops and feared being sent to the hospital.  I also just wrote a new post on my theology blog and saw that that blog wasn't ruined like my other blogs are.

I published some of my blogs in a book called Mad Blog, and the blogs used to be a funny life journal and a separate society problem blog.  And it was so peaceful, but then people tortured me and the blogs became blurred, a ruined outrage description, repetitively complaining, with no policy insight or humor about every day life.  And I wonder if I need to republish that book some day without five years of writing, or if it is valuable journalism for psychology people to see from a perspective of further distance.

Well I don't know.  Maybe I can recover.  Even a year of quality blogging could be enough material to compile later with the wrenching lamentations missing.

Anyway, I posted two posts on facebook. It is going well. Probably I will boost a few posts soon. It seems I still don't feel that inspired to share my theology blog on facebook. I wonder why? I think it is because my facebook friends are the choir. That is what I think.  And yet there could be some fear about how far off the deep end I go sometimes.

So anyway, this is enough of a post.  It is still not like my early blog posts that had jokes in it instead of a play by play description of life. Well live and learn, should people always go for the excellence? It is one virture, there are other things happening in life besides just achievment.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

New Funny Book

 Hello everyone, this is Refried.  It is Sunday at 11:55. I am listening to my church service online.  For some reason I have gone underground and am only secretly in their groups. I am recovering from the break in trust when they did a series I did not like.  Hopefully I will stay with them and still have loose affiliations with other churches that have impacted me positively.

I just finished publishing a new children’s book.  It is called Trio Triumphant.  It is pretty funny.  It has three sections: geometric googly eyed blob designs, imaginary animals and their assigned castles, and spooky haunted collection.  It was a challenge and as I finished it, I got another psychological attack by one of the staff abusers at my mental health housing, and I also realized that 6 of my castles I had chosen for illustrations were actually different photos of the same castle.  6 out of 10!  So I published anyway and have now sent in an updated copy.  Well in that space I also made a slight adjustment to my acknowledgements on the book and I had to get that right as I published the cheaper copy.

Possibly I should be listening to this guy who is speaking at church.  I am also eating a yummy lunch of Texas toast pizzas.  You get the garlic toast and put four slices on a pan.  You put tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese on each slice and put it in the oven for 8-10 minutes.  Man it is a nice lunch.

So I guess I am okay.  I was going to walk to the cops today to tell on Tamara but I think instead I will go to talk to another Bridge office where I did an internship a long time ago.  I will do that tomorrow or later this week.  Or I can talk to my PROS program and see if they can help me find a different place to live.  But really this is a nice place to live but people ruined it.  

Anyway the other thing is do I send around that zoom video about Gospel Compendium.  Maybe I should try it and see if it goes well.  Like why not.  It is a 3 minute video.

I guess I probably will.  I kind of like this guy’s teaching. 

I did not do well this week at some volunteer events but I felt God willing this new picture book.  So that is good. That is happy and helps me stay hopeful when there are no profits apparent to me.

Ravneet are you out there reading this?  I think you will like my book.  You are a helpful person to me. 

Well okay everyone, this was a long post. I just felt it would help me recover my mind a little bit because wow that was a messy process that just happened in the last day or so.

I did not expect to like this church teaching so much. I find it to be relevant to me personally.  Well have a good week everyone.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Children need ice cream this summer

Hello everyone, today is June 1. I volunteered at a book fair today from Brooklyn Book Bodega. Thanks for the fun times, NY Cares and Fashion High School.

The train rides there and back were not easy. But yesterday was easy so I guess you live and learn.

I am listening to music right now and drinking coffee.  I have been sitting here now for about 2 hours.

I did three successful happy book drops this week so I am thankful.

Yesterday I went to a neurologist and was told to stay on my same meds. Thanks Dr. G and Dr. E.

I need to go to the grocery store soon. It is not easy. Possibly I will schedule an access a ride.

For some reason I feel more aware of young people's feelings and lives and might be able to endure more suffering with them in mind. But I am not saying turn up the stress, I just hope to have a better attitude.

I think my mom and sister and her family are having a hard time since my dad died.  I feel okay even though it definitely does make me sad. I hope they will be okay and me too.

Well have a good day everyone, lets try to help everyone have a good summer and eat some ice cream.