Saturday, October 28, 2023

persecution update

 Well everyone, how are you doing.  Today is Saturday. I might try to do a food video today if I am able to.  And a possible commentary on credit card practices, which I have found to be very bad.  Basically the thing I find unbelievable is that the credit card companies are able to monitor your other finances and take back their agreement based on your other banking.  I almost can’t believe it.  This reminds me of when I got a plane ticket and hotel room fifteen years after not doing anything like that, and saw how leveraged the system was towards cheating everyone.  The credit card business  is similar but on levels I almost can’t believe. Bank of America ended my two thousand dollar credit line suddenly this past week, and I couldn’t believe it. I did not know why, because I had not missed a payment.  Yesterday I figured out that it was because I accidentally missed a payment on my Walgreens card, and Bank of America found out before I did.  I literally can’t believe that the credit card agreement isn’t just between you and the company and you either pay your bills our you don’t.  Instead, they call you and say we know you took two hundred dollars out of such and such account and we have reduced your credit line.  So they don’t have to uphold their end of the agreement even if you are paying them correctly.  I have to say that I may not be able to survive that.  Like literally, I probably won’t be able to stay alive once I can’t afford it. For me, I had this other contribution I was doing, this writing work that I invested my life and safety and education into, so I did prioritize that and take financial risks.  But if people make that not worth my while and not sustainable for people who have helped me, then I have to consider “folding,” “giving up,” “calling it,” and accepting the loss in a country that is mostly ruined and unsafe now anyway. 

I am still being abused at my supported housing apartment. I pay rent there that is supposed to include costs of staff who helps people take medicine, but they have harmed me permanently and show no signs of stopping.  Things got better when I avoided their abuse and started taking my medicine in my room instead, but that means staying up later and having my late night trauma symptoms again.


So this is life, attacked by racists in the Bronx, trying to not waste a delayed writing offering before I die, and now being shocked to find that normal honest responsibility is no match for predatory American money sales.


That is all for today. I guess I just live and learn and it is all training for when I am on the Judgement Day rewards committee in heaven.

Friday, October 20, 2023

blog post

 Well I guess it is time for a blog post.  It is Friday night and I am safe in my apartment and just ate some orange jello and rice pudding.  So that is nice to be safe and comfortable.  But I do feel lonely and wish I could see my girlfriend named Ravneet.  My imaginary mice parents visited her sugar glider parents at the bagel shop today.  They are recovering from some trauma and had to lick a phosphate pill. 

Yesterday there were guards armed with machine guns investigating my building.  I think it is because of the residents who have been setting fires.  I had to go back in the building while they were there because I thought I might have left the oven on.  So that is kind of funny.


I shared some new posts on facebook this week and it went well.  I have about nine more to share.  I might post them here to be patient, or I might just be impatient and post them soon.


I have opinions about the war but I don’t think it is my job to share military strategies.  Is it?  Is everyone counting on me for that?.  Last night I saw a vision of a war lord of the underworld sitting at a desk and reading an old book.  He looked up from the book and stared into my eyes and then I did not see him anymore.  A week or two before that I saw a different vision of hell, like where mining slaves will work in the heat.  It looked just like a far side cartoon and I didn’t realize at first that it was a vision.  I do not know what it means but I think that stuff like that is my job now and not necessarily listing all the next steps that I think United States should use against the bad people. I already did that in my book called pizza novel.


Is Biden just going to send money to Israel and Palestine?  Like in the democrat tradition? I will not assume that and hope that everything goes okay.  I guess that defense stations have been super vigilant for about a year now anyway.


Yesterday I read Isaiah 45 and it was a nice time.


Well everyone, I hope you are all okay and have some friends you can call if you are lonely. If you don’t there are a lot of churches that might surprise you in how worthwhile it is.


I do invites like that a lot because some people just frankly haven’t been told and shared with properly, so I say stuff when I can. I know it gets old but rejection and fear gets old too.  


Okay everyone I forgot anything else interesting to say.  Thanks for supporting my facebook page, it is a happy thing in my life and I really appreciate it.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Mad Blog continued…

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a nice day.  I am having an okay day.  I posted some new facebook memes and I was happy with them.  However, the numbers are low on likes and shares.  But I posted in the middle of the night so that is probably why.  I am okay with that and am kind of glad I can still choose to go under the radar if I want to. However when I have invested in gaining followers and my posts reach .5 percent of those people, I question facebook’s ethics, leadership, and practices.  I really do.  But I am thankful still for the ability so far to reach a lot of people if I pay and strategize.

So another thing that turned out okay is that I was able to do my laundry in my building today.  It was closed yesterday, and I thought I would have to walk about three miles to a laundromat.  That would be okay but not happy.  However I was able to do the clothes but had to air dry about ten items because of the dryers not working well.


The problem for today is that I called Medicaid after not receiving my renewal packet.  I was on hold and it said the wait time was 45 minutes.  So I waited the entire 45 minutes and then it repeated that the wait time was now 45 minutes once again.  So I guess God is writing a Catch 22 book within my life, a little government orwell book contained within years that had much better storylines in my childhood. I saw a youtube post where someone was saying if you mention the past and childhood now you will get censored. I think that is the new liberal racism.  Wow, it did take me by surprise. I had a good experience in the north for creative writing school, and then really went for it and trapezed over to another way of doing things.  But I have found life to be worse than any of the conservative news channels ever complained about irrationally and with total bias.  How weird that they would be so backward but still fall short of reporting just how bad these people are.  How unacceptable it is that I don’t get mail reliably at my apartment, how the racist staff who abuses me is supported by the social work field, how I shouldn’t be on medicaid anyway but should have an income from any of ten careers I qualify for, and how I think actually the apartment I am living in rations water for people unequally based on race.  Do the investigation yourself, it is embarrassing.  Another embarrassment while people learn the hard way what most good people are told during early childhood.


People can gay splain libsplain blacksplain any of their politics to me from their leveraged spoiled illgotten platforms, but God himself will set you straight someday in front of all of humanity with every accurate slur that I have kept to myself for no reason.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

It seems to be IBS

 Well everyone I hope you are having a nice day and weekend.  Today is Saturday.  Yesterday I went to the ER in my neighborhood because of some mysterious stomach issues.  You never know in that case if it is mysterious or lysterious.  It seemed suspiciously bacterial and I had eaten over ten suspicious foods in the preceding days: quesitonable milk from 7-11 that had little chunks in it, strawberries that match a food allergy, coffee stirred by something that touched sink germs, community mayonnaise after a guy in front of me touched the plastic knife, McDonalds food without washing my hands, old lettuce on a chicken sandwich two days after I bought it, sherbert in the freezer that had obviously gone bad, ginger ale from a glass that had not been washed properly since my friend mailed it to me, warm yogurt that sat out in my apartment, and I think that is all.  I think that is all the risky foods. It may be that just the combo of that was enough to stir up trouble in my innards.  But I also had a stress trigger Thursday night that was somewhat severe, and I woke up in the middle of the night with bloating and other symptoms.  And then I did an online appointment and was prescribed some medicine to manage the symptoms, but thought it could be worse than they determined.  So I went to the ER later, I just took a nice walk to go visit, and they were very nice to me.  But after I left I became convinced that I had a bacterial infection that they were not telling me about.

I guess I still don’t know but the bloating has improved some.  I still feel a slight fever feeling and think I am not totally back to normal.


The feds could come after me for posting this but I think if the hospital didn’t force other treatment on me then it is a good sign.


I did not do comedy practice today and I had a few chores delayed.  I just rested and drank water, ginger ale, and some coffee with the questionable milk until I saw that it was also suspicious.  So who knows.  I just try not to waste food.


Hopefully my stomach is fine but what have we learned.  Try to order a pizza and coke when you can and don’t use the film on your coffee pot as detergent substitute.


Tomorrow if I feel okay I will go to the grocery store.  

Monday, October 9, 2023

a new pet named angel fish

 hi everyone, I drew this picture today of a new fish in my life called Angel Fish. It resides at the mental health program I attend. He is lonely and needs fish friends but I think the idea is that the patients there are his friends so he is my friend and I drew a picture of him.

Also this weekend I suddenly compiled three new books. A giant compendium, a book designed for libraries, and a combo of three books I always give together. They are early books from poetry days a long time ago.

Today I fell asleep and missed therapy. Sorry Larissa! Larissa did not discontinue me and thankfully it is going to be okay.

I think I have to go take my medicine downstairs now.

I am sorry my blogging took such a rude turn in recent years everyone. And I also apologize for my behavior problems online and in my neighborhood.

Hopefully we have all learned a lot and young people can think to themselves, "that will not be me."