Saturday, October 28, 2023

persecution update

 Well everyone, how are you doing.  Today is Saturday. I might try to do a food video today if I am able to.  And a possible commentary on credit card practices, which I have found to be very bad.  Basically the thing I find unbelievable is that the credit card companies are able to monitor your other finances and take back their agreement based on your other banking.  I almost can’t believe it.  This reminds me of when I got a plane ticket and hotel room fifteen years after not doing anything like that, and saw how leveraged the system was towards cheating everyone.  The credit card business  is similar but on levels I almost can’t believe. Bank of America ended my two thousand dollar credit line suddenly this past week, and I couldn’t believe it. I did not know why, because I had not missed a payment.  Yesterday I figured out that it was because I accidentally missed a payment on my Walgreens card, and Bank of America found out before I did.  I literally can’t believe that the credit card agreement isn’t just between you and the company and you either pay your bills our you don’t.  Instead, they call you and say we know you took two hundred dollars out of such and such account and we have reduced your credit line.  So they don’t have to uphold their end of the agreement even if you are paying them correctly.  I have to say that I may not be able to survive that.  Like literally, I probably won’t be able to stay alive once I can’t afford it. For me, I had this other contribution I was doing, this writing work that I invested my life and safety and education into, so I did prioritize that and take financial risks.  But if people make that not worth my while and not sustainable for people who have helped me, then I have to consider “folding,” “giving up,” “calling it,” and accepting the loss in a country that is mostly ruined and unsafe now anyway. 

I am still being abused at my supported housing apartment. I pay rent there that is supposed to include costs of staff who helps people take medicine, but they have harmed me permanently and show no signs of stopping.  Things got better when I avoided their abuse and started taking my medicine in my room instead, but that means staying up later and having my late night trauma symptoms again.


So this is life, attacked by racists in the Bronx, trying to not waste a delayed writing offering before I die, and now being shocked to find that normal honest responsibility is no match for predatory American money sales.


That is all for today. I guess I just live and learn and it is all training for when I am on the Judgement Day rewards committee in heaven.

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