Monday, October 16, 2023

Mad Blog continued…

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a nice day.  I am having an okay day.  I posted some new facebook memes and I was happy with them.  However, the numbers are low on likes and shares.  But I posted in the middle of the night so that is probably why.  I am okay with that and am kind of glad I can still choose to go under the radar if I want to. However when I have invested in gaining followers and my posts reach .5 percent of those people, I question facebook’s ethics, leadership, and practices.  I really do.  But I am thankful still for the ability so far to reach a lot of people if I pay and strategize.

So another thing that turned out okay is that I was able to do my laundry in my building today.  It was closed yesterday, and I thought I would have to walk about three miles to a laundromat.  That would be okay but not happy.  However I was able to do the clothes but had to air dry about ten items because of the dryers not working well.


The problem for today is that I called Medicaid after not receiving my renewal packet.  I was on hold and it said the wait time was 45 minutes.  So I waited the entire 45 minutes and then it repeated that the wait time was now 45 minutes once again.  So I guess God is writing a Catch 22 book within my life, a little government orwell book contained within years that had much better storylines in my childhood. I saw a youtube post where someone was saying if you mention the past and childhood now you will get censored. I think that is the new liberal racism.  Wow, it did take me by surprise. I had a good experience in the north for creative writing school, and then really went for it and trapezed over to another way of doing things.  But I have found life to be worse than any of the conservative news channels ever complained about irrationally and with total bias.  How weird that they would be so backward but still fall short of reporting just how bad these people are.  How unacceptable it is that I don’t get mail reliably at my apartment, how the racist staff who abuses me is supported by the social work field, how I shouldn’t be on medicaid anyway but should have an income from any of ten careers I qualify for, and how I think actually the apartment I am living in rations water for people unequally based on race.  Do the investigation yourself, it is embarrassing.  Another embarrassment while people learn the hard way what most good people are told during early childhood.


People can gay splain libsplain blacksplain any of their politics to me from their leveraged spoiled illgotten platforms, but God himself will set you straight someday in front of all of humanity with every accurate slur that I have kept to myself for no reason.

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