Monday, October 9, 2023

a new pet named angel fish

 hi everyone, I drew this picture today of a new fish in my life called Angel Fish. It resides at the mental health program I attend. He is lonely and needs fish friends but I think the idea is that the patients there are his friends so he is my friend and I drew a picture of him.

Also this weekend I suddenly compiled three new books. A giant compendium, a book designed for libraries, and a combo of three books I always give together. They are early books from poetry days a long time ago.

Today I fell asleep and missed therapy. Sorry Larissa! Larissa did not discontinue me and thankfully it is going to be okay.

I think I have to go take my medicine downstairs now.

I am sorry my blogging took such a rude turn in recent years everyone. And I also apologize for my behavior problems online and in my neighborhood.

Hopefully we have all learned a lot and young people can think to themselves, "that will not be me."

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