Saturday, October 5, 2024


 Hi everyone, welcome to my blog. I just posted posts on my theology blog that I believe were a little bit Yale branded. Which I don’t mean in too much of a rude way.

In one hour I am attending a youth ministry program on airmeet.  I like that platform. I am kind of just a visitor but think it will be nice.

I think it is making me think of theology posts.  So far I am not too much off the deep end except at night. But last night I thought of emailing a researcher who is doing a project on spirituality and psych meds. And that helped me stay grounded. 

I do not have milk right now. I think my fridge is not keeping things cool long enough. But I am eating the yogurt and sour cream and it is okay so far.

Ravneet did you like those posts. I think I am onto some stuff even though it was kind of like kook central again.

Everyone, I am having trouble with purpose and work direction. I think it is from not mailing out books and a pause in advertising because of finances. Maybe I do have a job to do and it is going fine.

But I see my email inbox filling up more with junk and I am in less frequent meaningful contact with friends.  And I am not exercising as much as I thought I would. New York Presbyterian charged me late with a hospital bill and now I might not be able to afford the walk pad I was thinking about buying for my apartment.

So I do not know what it all means but probably the flooding in NC is not about me. A lot of people are okay. I don’t know whether to tell people that 230,000 people died in the 2004 tsunami, but there it is if anyone needed that.

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