Saturday, September 14, 2024

 well hello everyone, today is sept 14. I just got a spam call where they pretended to be the police, which i think is against the law.  but no one defends me againt crimes, people are allowed to crime me. I woke up feeling depressed about my particular socialism entrapment because i thought i would get medicaid paperwork in the mail today.  But it was not there so I need to go in person on tuesday. 

My problem isn't so much with socialism as an ideology anymore, but the system I am trapped in. The issues I have are forced medication, abusive mental health staff, the lack of paycheck and outside job, the minimized disability income from insurance I paid into, the general view that I don't deserve to exist and that it is charity for anyone to tolerate my survival, the police following me in the neighborhood as if I am a problem while they look the other way for an entire crime infested neighborhood and borough, the fact that medicaid is allowed to count loan money as income when it legally isn't, my missing grocery store, and my damaged health from bad hospitalizations with no good option in new york city.

They do have a problem here and are trying to "reach" the rest of the country with their ways, also known as the new york times gospel of hatred.

The south and conservatism has its own problems but at least it's not insitutionalized mistreatment and dishonesty.  Because frankly it isn't.  There is denial and laziness, but at least you are working with honest good people for most of the time instead of a web of lies and power plays and arrogance. 

I just for twenty years did see the hospital as a good option for care and now will avoid it at almost any cost, despite always being resented for the "cost" of being tortured.

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