Saturday, September 14, 2024

 Hello everyone, it is 11:30.  I just took a cake out of the oven.  I made the cake with expired eggs and expired oil.  It tastes very good. I might ice the cake but it is really good plain too. I had a good conversation with my gf this morning.  She told me some songs she likes.

Soon I will know if these cake ingredients were okay.

Russia is causing some problems right now.  You can tell that VP has been wanting to start a war for a long time and has a plan.  I think that was his purpose in invading Ukraine was to start a war with the United States.  He has some weapons he is looking forward to using.  That definitely is evil and you can see the evil powers uniting. But there also does seem to be a splitting across many countries much like the liberal conservative split in the U.S.

Do you guys remember that Egg Nog Cake I made a couple of years ago?  That was before they started torturing me here at the apartment.

I hope I go to live with Ravneet soon but I can see how it is nice that I have a lot of people to share food with here. 

So far no problems from the cake.  I guess I will eat three more pieces.

Well have a good day everyone.

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