Monday, September 23, 2024

Back to normal after outpatient fun

 Hello everyone. Today I went back to my mental health program. I forgot to go to therapy. Sorry Larissa. Tomorrow Larissa is giving me a second chance.  Now I am in my apartment. I did not jog today but I took an extra walk. Thanks Danielle from Jewish Board.

Right now I am at home. I just at a microwave meal. Well half of it then later I will finish it.

I have a video playing on facebook. It is advertising my books. I hope some people buy some.  Any amount will make a difference.

I cleaned some of my apartment yesterday. Today I bought new trash bags.  Soon I will clear the table. I could have today but I rested.

This morning I had a dream about my old school, Vermont College of Fine Arts.  I dreamt that they said I could not visit there but then they did say I could go to conferences and we were at a new location where I welcomed students from other schools as a mascot.

In the middle of the night last night I had stomach pain but I am okay.

It could have been some old soup that I ate.

Tomorrow I am going downtown.  

In three hours I take my medicine.

People are resuming being mean to me. It is about thirty mental health workers.  In the hospital they were nice to me.  So I do not know what the goal is.

I will just stay inside. I am doing a diet and exercise routine to reset after bad psych meds.

Right now I am on Risperdal and Latuda and Trileptal.

I feel fine so at least I am thankful for that.

Well have a nice day everyone.

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