Thursday, August 15, 2024

bianca s is the person of the day

 Hello everyone, today is Thursday, August 15.  This is the same day I went to college 29 years ago. Wow that is a long time.  I am 47 years old.

Today I went to the hospital for outpatient mental health treatment.  I am in a 6 week program. I hope I get to keep attending after the 6 weeks is over. I think my other program will be happy for me to be somewhere else. Or maybe I can do both.  

I kind of feel like addressing the conspiracy in this post and maybe I will start doing that with all my blog posts.  What do you gice think about that.  Is that a smaller or larger audience than I usually address.  Because I usually address “readers,” and in what way does that overlap with the conspiracy?

Hmm I don’t know.  I had a good conversation about medicine with my doctor today.  We discussed maybe overlapping Latuda with Risperdal.  Like what if I did one mg Risperdal and used Latuda for the rest of the psychosis.  I told the doctor I didn’t think I could let go of the feel good component of Risperdal.  I mean what if I even did a half mg of Risperdal and a small percentage of Latuda.

Well it is a risk my friends because I could have a manic episode.  Man I just can’t go back to that phase of illness.  I will do serious damage to my life and end up in jail.

Am I going to work ever again? I do not know. Maybe the books will sell. Or what if one book sells? What if we can make horizon cow a bestseller.  Maybe we can. 

It is 5:30 pm right now. At 8 pm I have inspection.  I washed a chili pot that had the remnants of old chili in it.  I think I really did the right thing on that one instead of hiding it in my fridge.

I might make this a long blog post because I haven’t blogged in a while.

As some of you know, I went to a writers conference last week.  I think it went well.  I question missing so many presentations but I just felt comfortable and happy in my room and had to save strength for the workshop and meal parts of the time. I think I also kept myself from being inescapable which is something I try to do wherever I participate in things.  I wonder if I am too dedicated to that and instead should champion disability.  But if the theme is rights, then let’s care about everyone’s rights.  You never know when it’s going to be you.  It could be because of disability, it could be identity, it could be because of some random weird scenario, or an enemy, or a competitive tough goal, I mean who knows.  But everyone should get what’s due whenever possible.  And sometimes that thing that’s due might be relief from people like me. 

So okay. I still have some minor things I need to clean for inspection tonight. “Where can I find a deal like that?” some people are saying. Well it is a good deal except the staff has really mistreated me in these last two years and I lost one of my best friends over it because I called him in a suicidal panic this winter. I knew it was too much for him but I had to make arrangements for my absence.  

So let’s discuss the pizza I ordered. I ordered a pizza. It is cheese.  It cost about 12 dollars. Then ten dollars for the tip and 6 for delivery. Scams and shams but in the end it is a good pizza and a delivery driver had a nice moment. Side note I don’t tithe like that.

What else to discuss. Maybe mail some books soon.  People don’t just want horizon cow, they want library book, but I might roll through some horizon cows. People will feel hurt.  What about horizon cow and floopydoos?  Then might as well do library book.

So okay. I wonder if taking Latuda will make me be able to make eye contact and work again.  Hmm I don’t know.

My friend in Pakistan invited me to come talk to his church.  Maybe I will visit India and Pakistan in two years.  I just really think that my expenses for that would be better spent on food for people and something for anyone there besides me.  However successful church work has eternal value that is priceless.

Am I going to do more facebook stuff soon? Maybe but I am considering saving the money. Like I really brought it this summer with some videos, memes, and spending.  And now I am out of that money. I simply am back to my small budget.

Well, that is all for now. Have a good day everyone.

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