Monday, July 22, 2024

 Hello everyone, today is Monday. July 22. Yesterday I had an issue with some chicken I cooked and I think I am okay. I also went to comedy class and people laughed at some of my jokes but not others.  So I wrote some new sections of my routine and I think I will end up with two finished comedy routines from this class.

I also read some books and wow it was a lot to think about. Thanks E.L. for the awesome education.

I went to church yesterday and might stay and keep going.  But I am not sure. But if they remain at a location I can find then I think I will.

I am glad the democrats are changing their candidates and I will probably vote that way this time. I think the republicans got the right people for themselves, and I will feel better about our country if both political parties are well represented. 

I have therapy at 11 o’clock and am thankful. I think I will tell my therapist some of my new jokes. I also am mailing out two packets of books soon. I might have to wait until some more come in but I will sort through what I have and see.  I ran an ad this week and it went well. I don’t know what else to do but run ads and do the best I can.

Are people going to like my books. I think I have some stuff to apologize for in some of the books. But mostly I did what I could and said what I said. And there are pros and cons, ups and downs, live and learn.

Well that is all, have a nice day everyone.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

People of the day Announcement

 Well hello everyone, today is Saturday, July 20. It is 6:23. I got a lot done today. I went to a support group, I finished reading a book, and I picked up some different groceries than usual from the grocery store. Just now I was reading through a cookbook and something interesting happened.  I saw a recipe for something called beer bread, which just has four ingredients: a can of beer, 3 cups of flour, some sugar, and butter. And then you bake it in a loaf pan.  And I think the beer is the magic ingredient because it must have a rising agent of some sort.  So I noticed that recipe because I found it interesting and possibly easy enough for me to try.  Then, later in the cookbook, there was a recipe for a “chocolate orange cake” where you buy one of those sara lee pound cakes, cut it into three layers, add marmalade to each layer, and then frost it with chocolate frosting.  That’s just genius.  Well here is the most interesting thing.  Both those recipes are from the same person.  Someone named Diane Alder.  Well that catapults that person to person of the day status instantly.

This cookbook is from Florida, one of those cookbooks from the 80s where everyone in a community submitted a recipe.  It is from a place called Cypress Creek.  Well it is a cool cookbook, and I found it on ebay a year or so ago.  These kinds of recipes are easier to use than internet recipes, and you see patterns that make you learn concepts to experiment with.  Like a lot of people in these cookbooks liked a sour cream-mayonnaise combo for casseroles and dips.  Another interesting recipe in this book was for a chicken with orange sauce, which is mostly orange juice plus flour, butter, mustard powder, cinnamon, and ginger.  Plus the chicken.  Well I think I will try that.

I might do some more blog posts this weekend because I feel like writing a lot, possibly because I read a book that must have gotten my brain working a little bit extra. So what have we learned, try to read a little bit more and restart a cooking habit.

Ravneet do you want to host a pot luck supper.  Ravneet said yes she does.  Ok.  Now I am going to read another book called Making Enemies by Evelin Lindner.

 Hello everyone, it is 12:32 on Saturday, July 20. I just wrote a blog post but did not post it for confidentiality reasons. I probably will post it later anyway.  Right now I am going to read some recipes and make some food goals to start over and cook more. I gave up on cooking but I am going to do the best I can.

I also am wondering if I should take cooking classes and art classes in these next few years.  I think that might be worthwhile for me and something I could do that would be better than just giving up and exaggerating my dementia and decline.  Without some kind of goal then I would just be a full-time mental patient. I think other people would also get tired of that.

That is a new mindset because I had started thinking that maybe I indulged too much in education without anything to show for it.

I think part of that view is from overlooking the value of writing.  Maybe I have low sales, but vocationally I am a writer, and that is not nothing.  Some people really struggle to write.  After I went to college and majored in Journalism as an advertising major, my dad said I was essentially an unskilled worker.  But I was not unskilled and had done the most responsible thing possible with my particular talent and skills.  My college major not only was marketable but was literally part of marketing. So what was the blocker. There was something social, something cultural, and I saw it and predicted my rejection.  Things have gone well, I worked in a bookstore and was inspired to write with a different purpose and audience.  

So maybe I will still have some education left and my disability is not so severe that I can’t be a blessing to others in those contexts. Probably I will continue counteracting my religious obsessions.  I started seeing myself as a Christian writer, when maybe I have a place in the secular world with evangelical effectiveness precisely because of successfully using worldly distraction as a strategy against my mentally ill scrupulosity.  It is a good and meaningful path that I should not abandon.

Ok, that is all for now.  This blog turned into a journal. Will I be able to retrieve it from that casual introspection. I do not know. 

Should I eat these taquitos that have been sitting out for two days? I think I will.

Well have a great day everyone, see y’all later if I go to the store.

Friday, July 5, 2024

 Hello everyone, today is July 5.  I am wearing a new pair of reeboks and they are very comfortable. They are old school.  Today I talked to my therapist and then went to my mental health program and talked to another therapist.  It did make me feel better. Soon I might join a gym if I can afford it. I was going to take a comedy class in July but decided to wait.  Was I wrong, I don’t know. I felt I could not yet spend the money.  And I am glad I have thought of more jokes.  I think I am going to do a little routine about why I can’t be a missionary or work for an overseas humanitarian group. It is because I would eat all the food.  They could make one of those commercials with the doctors riding their motorcycle through the jungle to go help people and when they got there I would be in the corner eating all the rations and drinking coffee. 

Does anyone still want free books?  I can’t tell if any of my books are reaching people.  It seems somewhat delusional.  How am I doing on facebook. Ups and downs, pros and cons, live and learn.  That is what I always say. Well that is today’s blog post everyone.  What does it all mean, I don’t know.