Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sci Fi Monsters in the Bronx

Hello everyone, today is Sunday. I just did my laundry. It went well.  I also ate some jello fluff salad.  Yesterday I saw a doctor about some stomach acid from a certain combination of food and emotional abuse.  I feel better today.  

I did not go downtown to my new church.  Today I am attending the last night service of saddleback because my online church is doing a sermon series that I don’t appreciate.  ‘


I posted a video on facebook about my thin book series.  It is kind of funny, kind of rude.  Not perfect and I am wearing the same shirt as my last video.  But for some reason that is how it worked out.  That was a weird experience this week but I think I got it right in the long run.


So okay. What else.  I told my neighbors that I wasn’t going to give them food any more because one guy tried to make me look guilty on video, like he pretended to hand me money or something so it would cloud his drug dealing ways.  And now I notice that he walks to the town square between two high schools.  But people were genuinely sad and hurt when I said I was stopping the food sharing.  So maybe I will just try to warn the schools about him, and still give food to the mostly innocent.  Though he could try to take it from them.  So I don’t know what to do about that.


Something else happened last night when I was going to sleep, which is that I had one of my mild nocturnal seizures and heard a voice.  And the voice said cheerfully, “I’m going to get a cord.”  And I genuinely believe I heard a young angel’s thoughts as they finished defeating one of the enemies that attacks me during seizures.  It is a classic case of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, which overlaps with heaven and hell.  Read about it online, it is not a coincidence that it mixes with demon possession in the bible.  Anyway, I think I witnessed an angel realizing that it was going to get a reward.  And that reward might work like graduation regalia.  So I think that is really exciting, because I care about rewards and pray for that for people all the time.  This angel might be in some kind of ROTC program in a realm near me.


Well that is all.  One of my apartment friends just invited me to a church that he visits sometimes.  But he said he is not a Christian.  I think he probably is and doesn’t know it.  That is kind of funny how people are and aren’t or say so or don’t say so, and don’t know about other people. I guess it is like that for a reason.


Now there is a sermon online about Gideon.  People sometimes think I am Gideon when I am more like David.  Bible stories.  More interesting than we realize.  I think some angels and demons are time travelers, and that is how Christ defeated all of them at the cross.  Like they all try to target the cross because they know that is it, and that is why they were all there to be defeated once and for all.  And when the beast is destroyed at the end of revelation, it was trying to get to the garden and and create a time loop.  Think about it.  What are “ages,” astronomically?  Why is everything in orbits and circles instead of lines?  It holds up well with verses about destination. 


Well have a good day everyone.

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