Sunday, March 31, 2024

Hoppy Easter, peeps!

 Hello everyone, happy easter. I am doing okay today, just working on a video for facebook sharing my thin book series, and I made a lemon cake with chocolate icing.  It turned out great and I feel happy about it.  

My name change is going okay and I have sent updates to all government offices now.  My passport photo did not look good and it weirdly depressed me in some way that I still feel.  But it will be okay, possibly I will redo it someday if I am alive long enough to travel. Really I do not travel out of the country much because of my mental illness. I do not want to get thrown in jail somewhere else.  But increasingly, USA is also not a safe place to have mental illness.  There is no excuse for that, and there has been plenty of knowledge that could have reached people to not be ignorant abusers. 


Anyway, I hope that some of my books sell soon.  I do not want to forget that some of my work has not been wasted and reached a lot of people on facebook.  But I feel that there should at least be some reach with the books.  And if there isn’t, then I wonder if amazon themselves have undermined sales in some way.  When one of my friends visited the site, he could not tell that the books were printable.  That kind of stuff is usually on purpose.


But maybe things will change soon.  Today I might read through some of the books. I had to order some copies to use for the video.  I will mail a few to friends soon, but I think I won’t have the budget to continue at the same rate until there are some sales.  


I think Soldier Hogs is my favorite book. I might order a whole bunch of them to give away.


Well everyone, I hope you all have had a good Easter.  

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