Monday, January 1, 2024



Stayed alive


Passed inspection 50 times


Two visits to Greenville


Did Christmas for fam and friends


Published 20 books, very good, wrote soldier hogs


Mailed or gave 1000 books, Thanked a few thousand people


Managed facebook page, grew following 200 posts, 300k followers


Went to hospital and php


Cooked food for pals


Maintained at 187


Waited for gf and talked to rvnt on phone


Therapy and medical, less in person ER


Got credit cards, new clothes


Gave sodas


Started new pros program


Talked to ten friends regularly


Prayed and saw visions


Attended conferences


Did comedy class and routine


Attended groups and church


Anne’s family doing better, improved mom and dad




lost grocery store

failed police reports

abusive case managers

messier apartment

low money plus debt

people were mean at mosaic

people are mad and think I am racist

did not go to more school

lost friend Karyn

did not serve in church

chipped tooth

no agent, no book sales

faked out about monetization

no ravneet in person




Comedy, Graphic design, journalism


Go downtown more often


Walk in neighborhood


Learn new dishes


Earn income from books


Visit rvnt and go to restaurants


Restore charitable giving


Lead prayer group at church


Clean apartment more


Attend pros and take medicine


Maybe php but stay out of inpatient


Keep mailing books


Do presentations for peer work


Branch out with ny friends, toast masters, art class, coffee, libertarians


be a better Christian


apply for grants, start book distribution lists


pray for enemies, stop complaining 


two train trips, possible vcfa event


watch comedy online and cooking videos

make food videos, maintain facebook pages

convey accurate process

pay bills

possible pet gerbil

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