Friday, December 15, 2023

What about dual citizenship for USA and Mexico, two citizenships for everyone

 Ok everyone, I just took my medicine. It went well. Probably soon I will feel a slight mood drop and then I will catch up on sleep.  This morning I went to my mental health program because I thought there was going to be a party there.  But it was a normal day.  On the way there, a car dropped off someone to walk on the sidewalk near me, so I stopped to try to wait and let them pass me instead of being behind me, because I thought it was weird and suspicious.  Well they stopped about twenty feet ahead of me and spent ten minutes putting on a winter hat and jacket.  Why weren’t they already wearing it, I don’t know.  But they were clearly making an issue of me waiting for them to pass so I could walk behind them instead of in front of them.  So basically that meant that I stood in an intersection area right in front of a vocational high school near where I live.  Well I decided then to order my new book from amazon so I could see how it turned out.  It is called Stranger Danger.  Well that means that guy could be one of the legal sharks setting me up in front of a school so they can subpoena video footage and internet tracking to make it seem like I was a problem for the school and help the other fake cases against me from the barnes and noble predators of 2012, and whichever social work school classmates from 2016 also decided to shark up some cash.  Well I know I am not a problem and the school knew there was something weird happening and got an autism school person to check on me a few blocks later.  But it was still kind of weird. So then I get to my program and I was there early to see when the party was, but there were normal groups at 9 and 10 and 11 am.  So I went to the 9 o’clock group and the leader was mean to me.  Like weirdly, didn’t get me to sign the sign in sheet.  And he saw me consider not signing it on purpose.  But I don’t do that stupid stuff.  However how far should I beg and maneuver around people in the room to try to sign it when it skips me.  So after the group I asked to sign it and he said he already had twelve people. Pretty funny, so this is documenting a “conversion” attempt.  As in jesus christ. The thing northerners most never want to happen from the south.  But obviously that wasn’t anywhere even on my mind.  So I knew that was weird, and the guy had started being mean to me earlier this week when I sat in a chair that was near my social worker’s door instead of in the main area with the tables.  And before, one of the other people who is mean to me made me leave a chair I was sitting in that was next to a table in the hall as if you could sit there. But I already had accepted that she and another girl either didn’t like me or had some other entertaining goal where they would make me feel bad and look bad in groups. And I was still participating but got tired of the dating group where you had to act out a date with the other participants. Like that is just not cool, and I do think it was also used to make me feel bad and powerless.  Other groups I avoided because they would start the group with an embarrassing video.  So I avoid the people who make me feel bad and don’t go to their groups.  I am used to it but I thought it was weird to not sign the sheet. That seems wrong to me. Like too overtly rejecting from someone providing mental health care. Well I went outside before lunch and was thinking about it, and trying to figure out what to do. And I figured out that I should quit the program and not be a part of it. But I get my medicine there so I can’t do that.  Well Walgreens is right there so I decided to go get a refill while I was thinking about it because if something happens, I won’t even have one months medicine.  Well as I waited in Walgreens, people started blocking me from the line, and then additional people came and made the line longer.  It was very suspicious so I left. But they were trying to make me look suspicious, and this girl turns around and points at me to make it look like I said something to her.  That was for the benefit of the video cameras in the store.  Well I went back upstairs to go get lunch, and waited a while for the line to be shorter.  I started to be shaken up because I realized that what I needed to do for this kind of network harassment is call the police.  Well that is a challenge because I don’t just lightly call the police on my mental health program.  And I do not know which networks overlap, because my apartment workers have also been severely racist and abusive to me for over a year, and that is why I just quickly accepted that I would have to avoid people like that at my mental health program.  Like I just see some of it as a wave of politics that I should ignore if I can and be thankful I knew better people growing up.


So anyway there is still the possibility that all these people are doing this on purpose to catch previous bullies from my life, or to help me remember and understand what was done to me at my retail job.  It is very similar, and actually exact in terms of the media offenses. Like the unavoidable offensive media strategies are exactly what I experienced at my bookstore job.  And that is why I always used to wish I was in a war being shot at instead of selling CDs with parental advisory labels.


So okay, you can get an idea of the adventure, and I am okay right now so no need for anyone to freak out too much.  So I eat lunch and decide to leave the program for the day without getting the winter hat that they said they were going to give us. And I walk to a grocery store that doesn’t accept my insurance credit and I tried to buy pizza and ice cream.  Well in line, three people tried to make it be a problem that I was standing in line.  One worker called over to someone in a nearby line to tell them to scoot up, well that meant I had to scoot up.  In the north, they try to make you move out of where you are standing. Like at the bus stop, they get too close to you so you move over.  Well I don’t move over anymore. And in the grocery store I had already protected myself and chosen to simply stand in line with four small individual pizzas and a thing of ice cream.  So the lady behind me starts asking and reasking me if a certain cart is mine.  But there is someone actively taking groceries out of that cart in a different line so I know she knows it is not mine.  So I don’t answer her, but she repeats her question loudly, and I said “I don’t understand.”  So the guy in front of me says, “It’s not my cart.” Well he is doing this to sandwich me in an issue, as if, once again, it is a problem that I am in line existing.  And this is after what, about two hours of weird stuff just like that.  And by now I have experienced these incidents like literally 60-80 thousand times.  Every day there’s not a transaction or behavior or step I take that is not challenged by political people.  And just now I was thinking, okay, do I need to tell my facebook friends that I expect to die in a race war soon.  Well I don’t think I will say that yet, and I lost a third of my friends anyway during the pandemic because of similar political problems. So now when I share facebook posts, I get 20 likes instead of 160.  And part of that was facebook, too, because facebook sides with these abusers who get paid to do mental health aggressions.  So what I am saying is I might not really need to notify people about risks to my life as I see thirty or forty people in my neighborhood start making their moves towards me while I run my errands.  And I do kind of think people want blessings and they know I pray and could get them some rewards for their reputation sacrifices that could be meant to become good blog material.  The other issue that is confusing is I think they are trying to say that the person who was mean to me today is me.  Like that mental health worker was playing the role of me, and the person there who is nice to me, who is my case worker, represents my “frenemies.”  Or just a particular frenemy who was mean to me a few years ago. And that does confuse me because I haven’t really done anything wrong to people like that. And people say well you are writing this blog post aren’t you.  Well gosh that is literally all I have to do. Like the meaningful thing I can do today is type up this report of harassment that, if you add the people who blocked me from the coffee and hot chocolate line, is, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, plus five, plus one more, plus the people at the store, and the guy on the sidewalk, So about 21 people caused a problem for me on purpose today, as I attended my mental health program, tried unsuccessfully to get medicine, and then bought some two dollar frozen pizzas. Honestly to me that is a lot of opposition.  And then where is the audience for this blog?  It is them.  They are reading it and talking to their lawyers.  Well I don’t have a lawyer, and all I own is the copyrights to my books, which I value at 40 million dollars, but hasn’t made me even a hundred dollars yet from other people, anyway. And people who want to censor anything truthful that is written about the people who match their beliefs or at least just watched the same bullcrap TV, and who they wanted to seem better than God and Jesus, can just sue me as a helpless schizophrenic, and then tear up the books I spent my life and sanity on.  Should I say that, I don’t know, because there are so many trolls out there. And some are stupid enough to just take the idea I just said and try it.  Like they are calling legal aid right now because I did not thank Kansas and North Dakota in any of the acknowledgments.  So they are going to sue for both leaving them out and including them, and what do you know, I have no money, and hey, now they own the copyright to the only good novel written in a hundred years. Wow I did not need to say that, did I.  But it’s true.  This is an ad for my book called Sparkity Bonkins.

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