Thursday, December 21, 2023

Criminal Networks

 Well hi everyone, I hope you are having a good Christmas. Today is December 21.  I have not been sleeping well.  I actually think the psychiatrists who have helped me this year did it on purpose to bring back Christmas memories.  Basically I switched pharmacies so got a different kind of Risperdal and I started taking less Trileptal because I realized they gave me the giant 600 mg pills that are harder to swallow.  This was to increase my avoidance, which is a severe factor and the reason I signed up for mental health housing where they help you take your medicine.  But they don’t help me there.  The staff treats me like garbage and emotionally abuses me at any point of interaction.  They want me to not take my medicine because it gives them power to more easily send me to the hospital.  They tried it yesterday but the emt people were not fooled.  Yesterday they tried it because I reported a crime against me which was three credit cards stolen from my apartment. My door was unlocked in the morning so it seemed like it could be my neighbors, who mostly have some criminal expertise but are good food friends.  And I did wonder if it was them.  And to me the issue was that I couldn’t trust the apartment to help me and check the video cameras etc.  But as the day went on and I made various reports, it became more obvious that someone had to have already either stolen the cards or knew where they were by going through my stuff.  Well I have had minor construction in my apartment without my consent before, like you go in and your bathroom is a mess and they changed the water to not be warm any more.  That happened about three months ago or four.  However I think it was not them.  I think it was my case manager who made me feel bad with direct hate whenever she would do inspection.  So she would get me to say it was okay for her to do inspection when I wasn’t there.  This was actually about 6 months ago, and when I went on vacation for Thanksgiving, I said they could go in when I wasn’t there to do inspection.  I keep three cards, actually four, under a folder in my drawer so I won’t spend them and so I will have backup if my wallet gets stolen.  


So I believe it is pretty obvious that the case manager is the person who stole the cards.  There is also a bottle of fantastic cleaning spray missing.  Yesterday someone went around the neighborhood spending the cards at delis, and eventually tried to complete a 500 dollar purchase at a place called Snipes, where I have never been.


So this is where it gets complicated, because there is a network of people harassing me and covering for each other.  And it is conceivable that the staff stole the cards and gave them to my food friend neighbors.  But I think instead they were framed.  So that makes multiple mental health patients who the staff has directly harmed on purpose.  I have already been begging for the bad staff people to be held accountable for their emotional abuse for about a year and a half.  The other thing is I see the pattern seems to be more female.  Like the guys have not been as overtly hateful.  So now I see that it could be a therapeutic re-enaactment of 2011-2012 when a network of old white men started abusing me at Barnes and Noble.  But what is the point.  Why abuse me further, I am not sure it has helped me at all.


At Barnes and Noble  there was an issue of not being protected from the KKK people by the company because the company had been trying to get rid of me through similar tactics of very abusive social interactions, which easily were dismissed as my own autism problem, or as Barnes and Noble wanted people to think, a personality problem.


This new network in a way seems more dangerous and they are targeting me on the subway trains, too, and following me at night. There is kind of an anger attitude, like they pretend to think it might be justice that blends in with media campaigns. But really they know they are wrong, and why can’t they let go of the evil verves from hell that are propelling them towards shame.


Funnily, I am not as believable anymore because I have dementia symptoms and worsened paranoia and disorganization.  This is also from the emotional abuse, and the worst thing that can happen is a hospitalization.  I think that is an unfortunate testimony about the mental health field right now. Hospitalizations should not be presumed to be a further trauma and automatic life harm rivaling jail time.


That is what Allison Grossman from Bellevue told me when I told her that hospitalizations were supposed to be traumatizing.  She said no they weren’t. Kelly O’Donnell witnessed the conversation.  Hey guys happy holidays.


So okay.  This conspiracy is really something. It really is, like keeping it going for ten years. I just hope some kids get some Christmas presents out of it.


Now.  About this credit card theft.  I have a deadbolt lock on my door that I haven’t been using because the locks are so good. Like I can’t unlock the doors with my own key but it was unlocked.  That is why I felt that staff could be a problem.  So what I am saying is I am safe anyway except from staff, which I already knew that. And the credit card companies busted the weird transactions quickly enough that I think the net loss was bout 130 dollars.  Well honestly I would forgive that personally even if the banks didn’t use insurance on it.  But I do not tolerate not having apartment staff I can trust.  If the staff is not paid enough to have some level of moral responsibility for the disabled, that needs to be fixed.  Like if people say, well this is a job like working at McDonalds, it is not mental health care. And yet there is medicine involved.  That is not right. And the fact is for a long time I have known that I can’t reliably call 911 because the front desk people would gladly not direct them to my room on the fourth floor.  There have just been too many overt haters.  It is unlike anything I have ever seen, except that weird inexplicable abuse at Barnes and Noble, which was written off as normal retail life.


I can tell the good people involved are having a hard time facing the fact that the usual victims of the popular narrative right now are abusive on the level that they are.  But it is the truth, so it is really a problem not to tell that truth.


I have been hoping things will change soon and I will have a regular income.  I was accepted for facebook monetization which could be like a job, like a cool job, but they haven’t been straightforward and today was the day the amount was supposed to show up on my page and it hasn’t yet. They didn’t tell me the rates either, so I have thought it could be an insulting 54 dollars after reaching 22 million people, or it could be up to 8000 dollars, which would change my life.  And yet really it is more likely to be either 200 or 2000, and what is a surprise to me is that it might be a little note saying it wasn’t properly set up yet, because of me, I’m sure, so I can’t expect a payout until conveniently another month that wouldn’t include the past thirty posts. Which they already conveniently avoided last month where I had some of the best shares and numbers yet from organic reach. Meanwhile the sharks accumulate, all of them waiting for the jackpot from my books.  And if I say, “I think you are going to be humiliated,” it is considered bullying that will cost me my social work license and justify their attack that has a pattern with all the other trash child abusers who never learned to be thankful for their own life and do the best they could.


Yep, child abuse, that is what we are dealing with.  Why, because I have nieces and a frail mother who are also harmed by what targets me.  And people want to say, oh, well you must have abused them yourself and passed it along.  Nope, that is simply not it.  And my abusers like for them to be involved because they say I am dipping into their pot of money so it is a family crime against them.  It also bolsters their social identity arguments, because it is like, oh, generational wealth being wielded against people who ascended to know me after I descended to know them.  Wow you thought no one would ever say that. Well work it out for yourselves.  The punchline is that you are a fool to try to waste my life after what God preserved, and that is who you will be contending with in heaven’s courts before an audience that you would do anything to trade for the justice that could have happened here if the media hadn’t bribed the neighborhood cops and lazy TV bums to hate anyone who went to church.  That was it.  Someone on TV told you to hate me so you did. And now we need people to make fun of AI and they won’t because they can’t.  They did not stay faithful to what was funny but chose the bullying because people do want a cause to support.  Why was everything about Trump?  Because there was something in it for both sides.  The liberals want a genocide to help their reputations, but instead they probably have set in motion an irreversible race war that helps no one and damages years of glorious progress from patient forgiving people.  The rich TV bullies thought the lives were theirs to waste and no one would ever know.  And now we will just see which side succeeds in feeding their enemies to China and Russia. It will probably be India that gets hurt the most, and America should already be defending all the innocent people in all regions. But there are other priorities on people's computers, aren't there. Who can save people from the trafficking hubs. Only God. Good luck blocking that resource like you are trying to do with everything else.

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