Sunday, December 24, 2023

Happy Christmas

 Hi everyone, today is Christmas eve. I already attended church earlier this morning and it was nice.  I go to Echo Church in California, but I attend online.  I like it there but one of my friends died this year. She led the prayer group I was in and it was my best church experience ever. 

I am cooking a chicken pie and it is in the oven.  Chicken pie is easy once you understand it.


I am also watching a youtube video of someone named Acre Homestead making five breakfast casseroles. You think that is a lot but actually it is a great idea because you can see the concepts and improvise later based on the ingredients you have.


I unexpectedly shared three facebook posts. I think they are okay even though I made a joke about “defeating” santa instead of “beating santa.” And it might have ruined an already borderline joke.  Like some jokes are an acquired taste kind of thing and if you ruin the balance then you reach no one.


But it is okay. I also shared a poem that people seem to like.  It is called “The Christmas Elephant.” I think it is a good poem and I hope I didn’t waste it by mistiming it or something.  But probably it is fine.


I left the cinnamon rolls at the grocery store for someone else.  I just don’t need cinnamon rolls. I think I had a good day and scheduled things out well. 


However I have to say if I had another forty dollars I would be making bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, and corn casserole.  Plus a refried bean dip.  So it’s a no go on all of those things.  But I had enough food.  That turkey sandwich yesterday I think was the secret sauce for my Christmas.  


I am leaving off the negative stuff about suffering.  I just don’t know what I am supposed to do about people bullying me and I think I reported everything I could.


I think some mental health people have me in intensive care critical monitoring because of my social situation which includes a three year delusion that someone is my forever person. 


But I am okay no matter what happens, although that truly was my last effort and I will further affiliate with the monks if it is another trick, and, I am sorry, another failure from people who did not save my writing career either from the bad people and life wasters.


Ok. I am okay about those topics so why complain about that and not mention the much more severe crimes against me.


Well anyway have a great Christmas everyone, today was a really good day, strangely nice, and I hope you all have a great day tomorrow or whenever you read this in a book. 

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