Monday, September 4, 2023

new memes


Canva certificate

 Hi everyone, today is Labor Day.  It is a nice holiday that I care about because I appreciate things like days off and fair wages, which I saw for myself can be taken away if bad people want money.

I'm posting this certificate I got from Canva, the graphic design website I use for some of my facebook memes. I had mostly a good day and my apartment inspection went okay today.  The bad people zapped me on Saturday instead this time and made me worry about being able to turn in my rent check on time.  Really it is a little bit late but there is a grace period.  Hopefully I can turn it in tomorrow but I will be late for my hospital program.

So anyway I think in my next post I will post my new memes. I think they are funny. They all start with "What if." I can see in this nice day how I could be okay and not feel bad from forced meds, emotional abuse, the threat of apartment loss, the missing book sales, and the lack of job that could have been almost anything. I do not understand.  I think it is a journalism assignment of oppression and persecution, while immediate communities see me as a privileged brat.  I guess that is clever and some people have agreed that it is valuable in some way.  Well I think we needed my success so I usually do not agree.

Well have a nice day everyone.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

what to do about the bloody economy

 Well hello everyone, today is Sunday, Sept 3.   I am sharing more posts on facebook and sad to see that facebook cut my distribution in half.  It is because a week ago I sent around some Christian themed posts.  I wondered why my numbers are lower and see now that facebook did that on purpose.  Possibly it is because when I went to the hospital last month I couldn’t respond to likes and comments.  But I think it is actually because of the content from last time, which happened to be some of the most liked posts from my page.  So that is sad, I can tell God is not happy with their choice. People think I am stupid and there is no such thing as God caring but some of us can tell how he feels sometimes. We can, there are spiritual experiences that start happening after you pray and do what God says for some time.  Other people don’t have to believe it, but it is weird to go your whole life without caring and then show up on Judgement Day to see how God feels about that. Like, what could you be thinking, and why do you think no one else notices how bad you are. 

Anyway, the other thing is that I feel the threat of losing housing again, and I am being forced to take more medicine than I want to.  But I at least have the system figured out where I actually can take it instead of not being able to and then getting in trouble for that.  I find that it makes me feel bad in the mornings now but I am okay in the afternoons.


I was going to be a successful mental health champion and for some reason people shut me down.  I do not know why, and I don’t know which people are the actual bad people versus who camoflauged the original bad people in order to supposedly shield me from worse attacks.  Really I don’t think anything could have been worse, and there is now a lot I can’t say without being an influence toward people giving up.  Some of my despair is from seeing the beginnings of the inevitable harvest of liberal hypocrisy.  It has been believable to many people that the conservative problems and bad politics of the south have nothing to do with the self righteous democrat control freaks, but I think the horror that I have experienced is spreading to more populations, and the dwindling budgets and power needs are now creating a demand for blood which will be satisfied mainly with dying disabled people, some minorities, and the growing slavery of all of America to Articifial “Intelligence.” This is the new sacred roll out of the media monsters in charge, who say they want justice but really want money, same as usual.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

You think I won’t say it but I will

Well hi everyone, time for a Saturday morning blog post.  Had an interesting incident at the coffee shop this morning where a guy wanted a copy of my hokey jokester book and I saw for a second how different life would be if I didn’t have five lost careers and a wasted literary collection. I also boosted some facebook posts and facebook ruined the posts on purpose so I had to cancel and lost about 300 likes from yesterday. That is sad to me. A few liberal trolls found me and are gloating over what they can tell is participation that is too late in certain ways.  But I think they are going to be proven wrong in their scoffing.  That is kind of sad but kind of appropriate.  I am also waiting for a few ads that facebook delayed on purpose as a power play.  It takes the fun out of it.  I am sad the company has taken the direction it has in terms of dishonest crookedness.  So depressing.  

My other problems have to do with increasing medicine as part of the hospital program I am in.  And CVS messed up my prescriptions which also seems on purpose.  So I have to conclude it is part of a torture re-enactment but it feels real and I will be in emotional pain all day.  Some stuff could be worse because at least so far I have a room to sit in by myself.  I will clean the apartment later today.  I think I can get it done and tomorrow go to the grocery store.


I guess I will collect some more addresses for free books to mail friends. I am using the last of my credit card budget this week and then I have to just let life happen to me with no agency over work progress, which for some reason, matches a pattern where I pay to participate in life while other people get paychecks for a tenth of the effort.