Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Amtrak train of thought

 Hello everyone, I am on the train coming back to New York after visiting my family in SC. My dad is in assisted living and needs a lot of care. It could be a matter of months for him. I just read that Jimmy Carter is on his way out too. I think my dad will do well against him in Judgement Day Pokémon. Another interesting lineup was Sidney Poitier and Bob Saget.

I thought of some new jokes for comedy shows. One is about how everyone unanimously wished that McDonalds had not discontinued their original cherry pie, which means it must have been really unhealthy for them to make that decision. Like listing the nutritional facts would have taken down their whole company and reversed all their ads about people loving it. But maybe that means we will see that pie again some day when we discover it is one of Russia’s main weapons.

The other joke I thought of is what if there were store gift cards you could give people that actually makes them lose money. So you give the gift cards to people you don’t like and they owe a hundred dollars. Or you could buy yourself something and give them the account as a thoughtful gesture. Like you start noticing all your friends have new clothes and someone says “surprise!”

that is all, but along the lines of new ads, I ate some Doritos and thought about how they have become the symbol of trans fats. And I think maybe that should be their new name: Transfattios. And m and ms could be called red and yellow number fives. What has the FDA been doing this whole time during pandemic years.

Well that is all, I think I might try to take another comedy class in July. Either that or just put up a webcam in my room showing me trying to clean my apartment.

 have a good day everyone!

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