Friday, October 7, 2022

welcome to my blog, it has taken a rude turn sometimes

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a nice day. I am okay. I am recovering from some mania and an outburst on facebook earlier this week.  It was actually some good material and seems to signal the end of some silent suffering.  Thanks, friends who reached out, and those who posted supportive comments.

Today I might start a school application and see if it is a good path for helping more people and using my writing skills in a good way.  I also received author copies of the imaginary mice books today, and the secret messages are telling me that it was legally significant.  So hopefully the other books that amazon divided up into a lot of packages on purpose will also get here soon and not burden the post office too much.

Later I will also eat some food and shop for a new pot since I burnt the other soup pot a few days ago. I fell asleep with soup cooking and woke up 7 hours later.  That is not good but hopefully it will not happen again. What do you guys think of all the phd jokes I have been emailing to myself?  I think they are pretty funny, like the one about turning in grocery store receipts as a dissertation.  

Thanks for visiting my blog, there is no need to worry about me even though I have complained a lot recently.

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