Thursday, June 23, 2022

plot for my new book called Soldier Hogs


So there’s going to be a sad groundhog who has been through a lot but he gets the dame and the hot shot fun guy doesn’t mind and becomes quite an ace. One groundhog says he wishes he had two brothers and two of the groundhogs make fun of him a little bit because he describes how he wishes his life was and it is irrational so they start a running joke themselves where they say I wish such and such and they get some chuckles. Then they think of a strategy for shooting the shadow monsters where one of them pretends his gun jams and the other one shoots the water color. But then one day the second ones gun jams unexpectedly so the other one who pretended shoots the shadow but it is too late so his buddy dies. the hot shot saves the life of the groundhog who wanted two brothers and the grief stricken friend is comforted by them so they are the brothers now. The leader starts the book with a back story of how he liked to paint as a child and wanted to be an artist and had a running dream of a movie scene where he would look up from his work and say “I’m an artist.” But then the shadows attack the canyon lands and they find that the paint defeats them. So he leads a group to fight the shadows and that is how the army starts. So it is his memoir. So he might finish it in a way like describing a beautiful paint scene with a sunset and it seems like he is going to say I’m an artist but he says, I was a soldier.


Ok so the grief stricken groundhog finds the brother groundhog injured in the medical tent and cries with him and then the hotshot groundhog is with them and stays there and then there are some dame nurses that cheer them up slightly. The ace groundhog is shellshocked and says to the nurse groundhog, please don’t leave me, and she says, I wont leave you. Another funny nurse tells jokes to cheer up the grieving groundhog who lost his buddy. And another nurse helps the injured groundhog walk again.


So the third plot idea can be that there is a rabbit who fights in the war and there’s not much of a plot he simply fights and at the end says he feels like he did pretty good and they say why did you fight he says he doesn’t know but the bad stuff was a mystery so why shouldn’t there be a good mystery and they give him the only medal.


gice i think instead of having the memoir be exactly like the memoirs of old, it would be funny if the groundhog said he was writing this memoir for a creative writing class and he was the only groundhog in the class


and i think if that is the case it would be columbia university


i think that is really funny to continue that pattern


but i dont know because the straightforward memoir idea could be good too


but i wonder if i am mixing a movie mood that is different from how the story could be with more of an animal personality.

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