hello everyone do you think i am blogging too much, well i am having a hard time because I was sick today and my computer is no longer working for internet and writing.
i did watch some funny comedy and some movie scene youtube videos that were from a movie that I did like a lot.
Will I take another comedy class in march? I do not know. I think maybe I should. I think I can think of more jokes. Do people think I should be taking a class right now? Well I can't.
I am not giving up on the art certificate but it could be that I can only do one class if I need a new computer. That is okay with me and there is a chance I won't even be able to replace the computer. I think I should because of the 80 books I have on amazon. I think I should keep it possible to manage that well, or properly which is the word I am overusing tonight.
I do not know who reads this blog everyone, some people do read it, but to me it is still an imagined public and it truly is a blog that I like. I do not think I will replace it with substack.
Ok I erased some laments about the weirdness of the missing writing career. I think that maybe the idea is that things went well and the books are pretty funny which was the goal and the stuff I was wrong about can be topics for other people to succeed at in discussions or papers. Ok I have to say that is a great idea.
Gice I think I really need to do some prep work for new years resolutions this year. So here we are, that was why people said this is New Years Day. Gosh, everyone, that is kind of mean, to tell me to shape up like that and implement a total overhaul immediately.
Ravneet, are you reading this? It was fun talking to you today, thanks for helping me. That was weird, wasn't it, how suddenly I wasn't okay. But I took my medicine and feel fine right now so hopefully tomorrow will be easier and I talk to my therapist at 10 am. Thanks Drena see you tomorrow I am sorry if I wrote too much and you read it, I did not mean to rely too much on emergency care.
Ok everyone, have a good night, pour yourself some coffee because we still have two more hours of sitting around checking the election poll results. That is what I am doing, it is a sign of health.