Sunday, March 2, 2025

more yapping from a mental patient

Basically the idea is that I discovered the richness of liberal christianity but stayed fundamentalist because fundamentalists have rights too.  And persecutors often go after the fundamentalists so they can squelch the "fundamentals," and keep young people from finding out the Jesus died for their sins.  Well I will not be having that and neither will God.  So here we all are with my 89 books and ten years of canceled rejection.  Except some of us have a growing suspicion that I am going to be catapulted to Edgar Alan Poe status, without ever knowing exactly why.  The fact is that I wanted to be an advertiser and young life leader, but didn't get to do either because of a severe attack on my presbyterian family. So what is left to do except write the stupidest poems ever written on this earth, and then turn in my main book to a writing contest against the book of Isaiah.  And frankly I will tell the truth and say that I think I will get third place.  And the second place books will have to be rotated throughout eternity. Argue, don't argue, be a troll, don't be a troll, sue the McDonald's workers who sold me a fish filet sandwich on my lunch breaks, you'll still get credit for being part of the conspiracy.

some better poems than mine:

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